Tag Archives: chocolate

A yawn is a silent scream for coffee


I saw this quote on the blackboard at 623 in the City and thought it was so cool I had to blog it!

I was looking for a quote to put on my new chalkboard, and this is perfect! I was kindly gifted a chalkboard from Julia at Chalkd, a Nelson company that makes them. Check out her creations here. I chose a cloud shape because I quite often have my ‘head in the clouds’ and it also represents dreams.  Did you know that if you dream about fluffy white clouds it signifies inner peace, spiritual harmony and compassion?

So, now every time I yawn in the office, can I can make myself a cup of coffee?

Coffee is one of my vices, and I think 623 do the best. I love their dark roast beans.  I also love their loyalty card that gives me a free coffee once I’ve purchased 6.

I keep going back too because every $100 I spend at 623, I get a $10 voucher. The menu is varied and well priced and they have even cheaper cabinet food. Last time I was there for lunch, I ordered the chicken stack and Boyd devoured a BBQ chicken and bacon pizza. Both were delicious.

Good food. Good atmosphere. Friendly staff and two locations, 623 in the City and 623 on The Rocks at Tahuna. Join Club 623.

I’m trying to cut down on the amount of coffee I drink as I’m sure I drink way too much!  So today I bought a can of Nestle Drinking Chocolate. I’m going to replace my final coffee of the evening with a hot chocolate.  I’m hoping this will help me sleep better, without the stimulation of coffee at night time.

Chocolate is also one of my vices.  Is it ok to replace one vice with another? 🙂

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Posted by on October 5, 2014 in Coffee, Food & Drink, Quotes


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Sticky hot chocolate pudding


My 19 year old recipe!

This pudding is very easy to make, doesn’t cost much and tastes absolutely devine!

We call it the $2 pudding.  This is because the first time I made it for my son’s friend, he asked me where I bought it from.  When I told him I actually made it, he asked how much it cost. I quickly worked it out and replied $1 (it’s since gone up with inflation!).

I still have the original recipe, from a 1995 Woman’s Day magazine! The topping on it forms a delicious thick chocolate sauce (a lot like a self saucing pudding).

Serves 6

3/4 cup milk

2 tablespoons oil

1 cup flour

2 teaspoons baking powder (I don’t worry about this as I use self raising flour)

1/2 cup sugar

3 tablespoons cocoa


3/4 cup brown sugar

1/4cup cocoa

400ml hot water

milk or cream to serve

icing sugar to sprinkle

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.  Grease a 20cm baking dish.  Place milk, golden syrup and oil in a small saucepan.  Stir over a low heat until golden syrup is just melted and ingredients are combined.

2. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, sugar and cocoa.  Stir in milk mixture, mixing until just combined.  Spoon into prepred baking dish, spread evenly.

3. To make the topping, combine brown sugar and cocoa in a small mixing bowl.  Sprinkle evenly over pudding .  Carefully pour hot water over pudding.

4. Bake for 45 minutes (may take less depending on your oven). Sprinkle with icing sugar, and serve hot or warm with milk or cream.


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Posted by on August 24, 2014 in Pudding, Recipes


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