Category Archives: Kids

My three wonderful children and their partners

Hanmer, here we come!


Packing to head to Hanmer Springs for the weekend, a little surprise in the food box!

Why on earth do cats love boxes so much!?

We almost had a cat disaster before we left. Danielle went to the vets to get a copy of Tobi’s vaccination certificate to give to the cattery. Seems they didn’t have one. That could have something to do with the fact she went to Halifax Vets to pick it up when he was actually vacc’d at Stoke Vets. Hmmm.

To cut a long story short, because she didn’t have a vacc cert he couldn’t go into the cattery so the SPCA took him back for the weekend. ‘Basil Basil!’ they all screamed in delight as he was delivered. Poor cat’s gonna be confused over what his real name is! And the SPCA Manager said we might not get him back on Monday when we return lol

I’m really looking forward to a long weekend in Hanmer with Boyd, the kids and the grandkids. It’ll be a relaxing (and well deserved) break as things have been so busy. Just gonna chill …

Read my other posts about Hanmer including the Hot Pools and the Holiday Home.

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Posted by on November 1, 2014 in Kids, NaBloPoMo, Pets, Travel


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A new cat

It seems just like yesterday that my daughter was born.  This week she turned 20, and thinking about it makes me feel old!

Danielle has been building up with excitement this week, as her most treasured birthday present was the gift from her boyfriend, Nathan.  A new cat. She picked him out at the SPCA a few weeks ago and ‘put a hold’ on him.  He is 6 months old and his SPCA name is Basil.  We all had a laugh as Boyd’s Dad’s name is Basil.  Picking names can be tricky.  So I  googled Boy Cat Names, and up came Toby.  Toby stuck, although Danielle decided to spell it Tobi.  Now he looks like he’s always been a Tobi.


Look at Tobi’s fluffy ears!




Tobi curled up in bed











He is the most spoilt cat around I reckon!  He has a scratching post, cat house, a litter tray, his own bed and a heap of toys, along with fancy cat food.  This cat business is expensive!  Not to mention what he cost from the SPCA but he did come wormed, flea’d and neutered.  The SPCA were reluctant to give him up.  He’d already been homed once but was returned after he scratched a toddler (not without being provoked I am sure!) and the SPCA had adopted him as their cat.  Danielle was very worried they were going to change their mind and keep him.

He’s a friendly little soul, tortoiseshell/tabby colouring with a loud purr and a squeaky meow.

Nathan and Danielle picked Tobi up on the morning of her birthday.  That night she had a few friends around for dinner.   I made roast pork (followed by $2 chocolate pudding – I’m sure there will be a future post about that including the recipe!).  They were all downstairs in Danielle’s bedroom waiting for the dinner call.  All of a sudden there was a hell of a commotion as they ran up the stairs together, barging through the baby gate at the top.  Nathan was yelling ‘oh my god, oh my god, that stinks! I’m not sleeping down there tonight!’, the others were laughing their heads off, and Danielle was acting offended. The cat had poohed in the litter box.  Enough said.  That night the door was left open to the laundry where the cat’s litter box was put in case he disgraced himself again during the night.

The grandkids were introduced to Tobi on Wednesday. Considering he had been returned from a home with toddlers because he scratched, he was very well behaved and ‘tolerated’ them. Naty was very gentle and Georgie had a few cuddles (or should we say strangles). Then Tobi decided that was enough and he went under the couch. Everyone was down on their hands and knees looking for him, even the dog!


Tobi! Where are you?

The dog is getting used to having a new furball in the house. She just wants to lick him and chase him down the hallway. Tobi is not impressed at all, and spat at her. So far this hasnt been a budding friendship, but I’m sure they will tolerate each other eventually!


I’m just too cool!


Please note: the images of my grandchildren on this blog are copyright and may not be copied and/or used for any purpose.




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Posted by on August 21, 2014 in Grandchildren, Kids, Pets


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