Category Archives: Grandparents

The best job in the world!

Old man

old man

I wrote this back in the 80’s when I was in my late teens. Even back then my eyes were open to the loneliness suffered by the older person.

I loved my grandparents, and I was lucky enough to have two full sets. But I saw lonely old people in the retirement home when I visited my Grandma and Granddad. Did anyone visit them? They loved it when we arrived, kids in tow, all coming out to say hello. Grandma always called them nosey, but quietly (in her English manner) she was very proud of her grandchildren and great grandchildren and looked forward to our regular visits.

I have such fond memories of spending time with my grandparents. I miss them and wish they could still be here to see how my kids have grown up, to see their great great grandchildren and just to sit and talk with them. I sometimes wonder if they are still watching over me.


He struggles to walk on unsteady legs,

a cane his only aid,

He crosses the road, barely escaping death,

everyone sees, noone helps.


Clothes hang from his emaciated body,

full of holes, letting in the cold,

to chill old bones,

noone cares.


He remembers his past life,

the joys and pleasures he has lived,

re-enacted in his mind

people pass and stare

noone listens.


A shuddering spasm racks his body,

falling to the ground

he dies lonely

isolated from the world.


He passes through an inner peace,

a quality cherished

lost to the world.


Nicki, 1985

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Posted by on September 1, 2014 in Family, Grandparents, Poems, Poems & Writing


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A Day with the Grandkids

kids 1

Georgia and Natalie arrive, packs on and ready for the day

It’s 10am, Thursday. The dog is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the grandkids, standing on the couch, watching the driveway. Funny how animals have a built in time clock, like when it’s feeding time.

Finally they arrive, full of excited chatter and hugs (except the baby who is restrained in his capsule).  It’s full on at the front door, the kids and Mummy come in, the over-excited dog is put out to calm down a bit.

Mummy hands over the bags, with some brief instructions and updates. Bye, she says, no one’s listening.  They’ve both made a beeline for the toy box and are busy throwing everything out.  Wave bye to Mummy I say, a quick turn and wave and .. yeah.  Mummy’s gone and back in comes the dog.

By now the routine has started. Natalie takes off her shoes and places them in the hallway, in the treasured spot next to Gramps’ shoes. Next she takes off Georgia’s shoes.  Georgia heads down the hallway, checking to see if I’ve left any forbidden doors open, and what stuff she can get into. I chase after her, closing doors and pulling her out of the bathroom cupboards.  She’s fast!  Of course she only wants what’s in there because she knows she’s not allowed it!

Morgan starts crying, signalling he wants out of his capsule.  A bit of baby talk and his little face lights up.  I actually get him to laugh (twice) for the very first time.  A neat milestone, so I text Mummy.  Then he yawns.  Now starts a battle of wills, as I put him down for a nap.  He screams, I pick him up, he yawns, I put him down again.  He only protests this time, so I wait.  He’s still protesting.  I get sidelined by Naty showing me something.  By the time I make it to the baby’s cot, he’s fast asleep.  Just goes to show, don’t pick them up straight away!  He then sleeps for 2 and a half hours!  OK, 1 to Nana.


First real laugh!

Second breakfast begins. Also known as morning tea, but at Nana’s place it’s second breakfast.  Naty is already in the pantry getting the bread out.  Georgia makes a beeline for the baking stuff.  I drag her out, at the same time getting the peanut butter and marmite.  Each has their favourite, god forbid I ever run out of either!  I tried giving Georgie peanut butter sandwiches one day and she gave me the most disgusted look and threw them on the ground.  Naty on the other hand will suffer marmite if she has to.

10 minutes after second breakfast Natalie announces she’s hungry.  What?  You just had a piece of toast!  It’s getting close to lunchtime, so as a distraction I pull out Tabby McTat to read, soon we are all singing the busker’s song from the book.

Me, you and the old guitar,

How perfectly, perfectly happy we are,

MEEE-EW and the old guitar, how PURRRR-fectly happy we are

Naty helps me make lunch.  Georgia has 3 sausages (yes, 3! ok they are small sausages but, man she can eat!) and also downs a marmite sammie.  Naty puts together her cheese and ham sandwich and (surprise surprise) she eats it all.  There’s one piece left over when Gramps arrives home for lunch, he tells her he’s going to eat it and it’s very quickly gone!


and Marmite for Georgie

The routine after eating lunch is to clean our teeth.  I am not quite sure how this started but it’s an ingrained part of having the girls now.  Check out the awesome toothbrush holder I bought from Avon.  Now they have a special place to hold their toothbrushes.  But I’m not sure what I am going to do when Morgan is old enough to clean his teeth!


Fruity toothbrush holder!

Morgan is awake now, which is good as Georgia is ready for her afternoon nap.  At 20 months she is now in a big girl’s bed.  So up comes Morgan and down goes Georgia.

The afternoon brings what I call the circle of pooh.  I have no idea how these kids synchronise their bowel movements, but they do!

Morgan’s had his bottle and is ready for bed again. Georgia’s still fast asleep so I pull the cot out of her room into mine so I can put Morgan into a separate room. Georgie wakes up and gets out of bed looking disorientated. Quickly, cot out, Morgan down and back in to Georgie to usher her back to bed. She goes back to sleep. Morgan’s asleep too.

It’s Naty and Nana time!

We are having fun with the measuring spoons. You dont need expensive toys to have fun. One of my favourites is making a band, with the pots and spoons, me, Naty and Georgie, they drum and I sing (Ok, I can’t sing, but they don’t care a hoot!). Naty looks at me and says “Nana, you are so silly .. but I love you!”. Awwww, my heart melts.

photo 2

Nana is funny!

photo 1

Spoon eyes Naty!

I gear Naty up for her favourite activity, washing the dishes.  We put on her apron and she stands up at the sink on a chair. I’m in charge of filling the sink and adding ‘the bubbles’.  I make sure she’s got enough safe things to wash and then I’m not needed anymore. I take the opportunity to rest (collapse) into a chair with a coffee. Nana! I need more bubbles! Dutifully I put more dishwash in. The ‘dishes’ keep Naty busy for 45 minutes, at which time she rinses them all and stacks them tidily on the bench.


Look at me!

Georgie is awake. Now there are two. We all sit down to watch Dora and learn a bit of Spanish. Georgie’s funny mimicking the words.

Morgan’s up again, now there are three.

Tonight, it’s just Nana, Gramps and the grandies for dinner. Mummy and Daddy are having some alone time at home. So for a special treat we decide to get the girls KFC. I check out the specials online using the iPad and Georgia is drooling over the screen. Chips, she says. Now there’s a word for a not yet 2 year old who isn’t really talking! Georgie LOVES food.

Daddy is here to pick up his beloved cherubs.  ‘Daddy, Daddy”, Naty runs excitedly towards him “we had KFC for dinner!”  Oh well, there goes the rule of what happens at Nana’s stays at Nana’s LOL.  So much for Nana setting a good example and providing good healthy food.  Ah, but isn’t that what Nana’s are for, to spoil their grandchildren?

Read about more of our fun times in the category Grandkids.


Please note: the images of my grandchildren on this blog are copyright and may not be copied and/or used for any purpose.








Posted by on August 18, 2014 in Family, Grandchildren, Grandparents, Pets


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