What is the 8th P

18 Oct


The Marketing Mix was created by Harvard Business School Professor Neil Borden in the 60’s with the initial 4 P’s –  Product (creation and development), Price (where it sits in the market), Promotion (how it will be marketed and sold) and Place (distribution and markets).

Not long after three more P’s were added – Process (how the product elements are delivered), People (perception) and Physical Evidence (satisfaction).  The first 4 P’s cover the marketing of the Product and the next 3 cover the Service.

With the advent of Social Media, marketers suddenly had another aspect to consider, and an increasingly important one.  Up until a few years ago, advertising a brand had been very much a one way process.  That is all changing now and businesses must embrace two way advertising.  Businesses are no longer at the centre of the universe, that spot now has customers firmly in residence!

Customers can now talk back and interact with brands (and about brands) all over the Internet.  Branding is everything and businesses need to look after their brands. But how do they do this with traditional marketing? Did you know that if a customer has a good experience they will tell 4 people, but if they have a bad experience they’ll tell 20! And if that’s on social media, that 20 could virally become 200!

The 8th P applies to Social Media!

There are many ideas out there on what the 8th P should be called, some examples are Personalisation, Passion, Personal interest, Partnership and Participation.  All of these relate to online.

How do you personalise a brand?  To converse online your brand has to create its own personality.  This is formed by the values of the company so the brand becomes a living breathing thing, a human type personality. Your customer needs to understand who you are.

Your online brand advocates need to be passionate and really believe in the product and care about your customers. It needs to be genuine or your customers will see right through it.

Personal interest is all about interacting with your customer, getting to know them, their interests, what makes them tick. It’s not just about pushing your brand online or doing a hard sell anymore.

It’s about partnering with your customers online, listening to them, giving them what they want and making them feel important.

Omnichannel marketing (rather than multichannel) is the choice that customers now have to engage with businesses, whether that be instore, website, social media, making payment or telephone, etc. Brands must ensure they allow their customers to use as many channels as possible to engage. Brands need to share the customer’s journey, walking alongside them at every moment and being readily and easily available during any part of the experience.

Overall, it’s about particpation, in the online community and with your customers.

The 8th P is about injecting Personality and Passion into your brand, creating Personal interest by Partnering with your customers and engaging them through Participation.


Posted by on October 18, 2014 in SCM501 work, Social Media


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6 responses to “What is the 8th P

  1. Staju Palatty

    September 25, 2015 at 11:52 am

    How Social media become next ‘P’? It starts with letter ‘S’ ?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Staju Palatty

      September 25, 2015 at 12:01 pm

      I think ‘Participation’ may be better..

      Liked by 1 person

    • nanashype

      September 25, 2015 at 12:10 pm

      LOL good to see that you found my post! SCM501 was such an enjoyable paper and I learnt so much! Clare is a great tutor.

      The idea behind the 8th P being Social Media, is that yes it needs to start with a P (or does it?). I’ve changed it so it reads ‘applies to’ SM. There are many P words that relate, you can choose one or you can use several.

      That’s why I decided it should be about all of the 5 below, as it’s hard to break Social Media down to just one P, it’s way too big for that!

      The 8th P is about injecting Personality and Passion into your brand, creating Personal interest by Partnering with your customers and engaging them through Participation.


  2. Staju Palatty

    September 25, 2015 at 11:45 am

    Its good to see your content in my search for 8th P. It came up in the very first page…keep it up

    Liked by 1 person

  3. nanashype

    November 16, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    Yep, if you look at the bottom of my blog you will see I have a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike license across the whole blog (unless otherwise noted on a particular post).

    So this means you can use it so long as you attribute it back to me and you can’t use it for commercial purposes. You can remix and build on it but you must use the same Creative Commons license on your work using my content.


  4. randy964rs

    November 16, 2014 at 2:02 pm

    do you have copy right on the above?

    Liked by 1 person


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